One step at a time – with haste

No matter where you walk, children can be found everywhere in Phumzile. Often they quickly recognize Bethlehem’s staff. ‘Juice!’ they then call out loudly. After all, they know that they get a glass of lemonade on Friday afternoons during Bible class.
For several months now, we have been thinking about setting up a children’s ministry in Phumzile. The local colleagues are positive about organizing a children’s class. Agreeing on a suitable time remains a challenge, though. This is because the children here come back from school late. Then it is actually too late to gather them for a Bible story. Therefore, in the past year we have tried to organize something for the children during school breaks and national holidays. Although there is nothing permanent yet, it is still nice to be able to take the first steps towards children’s work in Phumzile.

Preparation requires careful communication and flexibility. The first time a children’s class is scheduled during Christmas break, it turns out to be raining hard in the morning. A good reason to cancel all activities for the day. The following week we will get another chance. This time, when the field worker arrives in Phumzile, the local colleague has forgotten that the children’s class was to be organized today. True, it had been almost a week since the appointment was made and after that there was no other contact with our colleague. A good lesson for us. Next time we will have to check beforehand. Because of this, the children’s class is postponed by a few more days.  

When we make another attempt on Thursday, quite a few children are already playing on the grass at the beginning of the neighborhood. The car is greeted enthusiastically. The ball that comes out of the trunk of the car makes the game even more fun!  

After playing for a while, the picture of the shepherds in the fields of Ephrathah is put up. ‘Etla mô!’ A simple phrase that means, ‘Come here...’ Soon the children are sitting side by side on the ground, looking expectantly at what is shown on the picture.

The Christmas story is told. As simply as possible. That requires a constant adjusting and descending to their level. Yet it is wonderful to see the children listening intently to your message: Only through the birth of the Lord Jesus can true peace come into your heart.  

After the Bible class, we talk about a possible follow-up. Next week perhaps? Or the week after? Struggling to find the right moment, we plan another Bible class for the beginning of the new year. Time will tell when it will actually take place. Everything goes step by step....

Step by step, and yet it must be done with a holy haste. Because the next day, near Phumzile, a girl dies in a road accident. A girl who had heard the Christmas story the day before. A girl with a soul...

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